Polecamy uwadze studentom szczególnie Elektroniki oraz Telekomunikacji możliwość studiów we Francji w roku akademickim 2023/2024.

W przypadku zainteresowania należy złożyć aplikację tak jak na Erasmusa (ankieta i certyfikat językowy).

Szczegóły poniżej:

one programme which is taught in English and open to international students within the framework of exchanges: The Final year of the Professional Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Networks and Telecommunications (semesters 5 and 6) – For this programme, students are welcome for semester 5 only (Autumn Semester) or for the full academic year.

If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact Mr Denis LUBINEAU, who is in charge of this programme: denis.lubineau@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr


– For semester 1 or full year mobilities: the form will be open from 15 March and 30 April.

– For 2nd semester mobilities: the form will be open from 30 August to 30 September.

We have also programmes taught in French in all our Departments, we offer 2 kinds of programmes: „BUT” (3 years) and „Licences Professionnelles” (3rd year level). Please visit our website for more information about these programmes.

Some of our Departments can also offer semester projects (in French or in English).

Students can only choose courses in one programme/Department of study, and they cannot choose some courses in another School/Faculty of our University.

The students will have to apply online before the 30 May 2023 (for a mobility beginning the 1st semester) / before the 18 October 2023 (for a mobility during the 2nd semester only).

After that, as it will be explained in our application procedure, the students will have to send us by e-mail all their application documents, which will be checked by our Departmental Coordinators and finally we will send a reply to each student in June 2023 (for a mobility beginning the 1st semester) / in November 2023 (for a mobility during the 2nd semester only).

We are only in charge of applications for our Institute („IUT1 de Grenoble”), some of you may have an agreement with one or several other faculties of our University („Université Grenoble Alpes”), procedure and deadlines may differ slightly. If you need information or if you would like to nominate students in another Faculty, please contact directly the International Office of the relevant Faculty (you will find the list of contacts in our nomination procedure we sent the 23 February, subject: „UGA – Fiche d’information – Fact sheet 2023-2024”).